Krysten Ritter in Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones Season Two Trailer #1 (2018) *Alias Investigations Re-Opens*

Jessica Jones Season 2 was filmed back-to-back with The Defenders, so it’s no surprise that it looks like it’ll be the next foray into the MCU/Netflix-verse.  Season one of the show stands right next to Daredevil’s first season as the best of the Netflix series, but it also used Jones’ most powerful storyline and only real villain in David Tenant’s Killgrave.  It looks like season two will find Jones questioning how she got her abilities and, if I were to venture a guess, drinking a lot and throwing people through walls.  How many doors will Alias Investigations go through in season two when Jessica Jones Season Two premieres on Netflix on March 8, 2018?

3 thoughts on “Jessica Jones Season Two Trailer #1 (2018) *Alias Investigations Re-Opens*”

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