Tag Archives: Omar Sy

Trailer Time: Inferno Trailer #2 (2016) *Least Exciting Franchise…Ever*

I am not Dan Brown’s biggest fan.  His books are getting increasingly harder to slog through, but they all follow the same formula.  Something is hidden in something ancient, only Robert Langdon can find it, someone doesn’t want him to find it, cue the albino.  His  books before The Da Vinci Code were actually much better, but the success of DVC has kept him on an obvious track.  I tried to read Inferno, but after 200 pages of descriptions of frescos and palazzos, I couldn’t take it any more.  This trailer makes it sound much more interesting.  Things must have picked up around page 400 (there were 600 or so to play with).

Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones, Inferno

This is the third film in the Robert Langdon film series with Tom Hanks returning as the symbologist and he’s joined by Felicity Jones.  Bluntly, I think both of these people should be out making better movies than this will end up being, but everybody’s gotta have a franchise these days and this is Hanks’.  Ron Howard used to be among my favorite directors, but he seems to have lost his way.  We’ll see if they turn things around when Inferno opens on October 28, 2016.

Trailer Time: Inferno Teaser #1 (2016) *Tom Hanks is Robert Langdon Yet Again*

I am not Dan Brown’s biggest fan.  His books are getting increasingly harder to slog through, but they all follow the same formula.  Something is hidden in something ancient, only Robert Langdon can find it, someone doesn’t want him to find it, cue the albino.  His  books before The Da Vinci Code were actually much better, but the success of DVC has kept him on an obvious track.  I tried to read Inferno, but after 200 pages of descriptions of frescos and palazzos, I couldn’t take it any more.  This trailer makes it sound much more interesting.  Things must have picked up around page 400 (there were 600 or so to play with).

Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones, Inferno

This is the third film in the Robert Langdon film series with Tom Hanks returning as the symbologist and he’s joined by Felicity Jones.  Bluntly, I think both of these people should be out making better movies than this will end up being, but everybody’s gotta have a franchise these days and this is Hanks’.  Ron Howard used to be among my favorite directors, but he seems to have lost his way.  Last year’s In the Heart of the Sea was odd when it wasn’t boring, and the Dan Brown films have been average at best.  We’ll see if they turn things around when Inferno opens on October 28, 2016.

Top 5: Foreign Language Films

Hero, Zhang Ziyi

Here’s a phrase that I hate hearing emerge from people’s mouths, “Ugh, I hate subtitles.  If I wanted to read, I’d have stayed home with a book.”  First off, no one who says that actually reads books, so don’t pretend.  Second, if you restrict yourself to only watching English-language films you’re missing out on some of the best films that have ever been made.  Yes, you may have to do a little work and access your brain (dusty up there, I know), but the payoff is completely worth it.  Most foreign films are poorly marketed in the States so one of the few things I actually depend on the Academy for is to identify foreign films for me to try out.  This, ironically, would not have worked for 60% of my top 5, which is why we’ll bring this thought full circle: the Academy is dumb.

Hero (2002)

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)


Intouchables (2011)

The Sea Inside (2004)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)


Honorable Mentions: Red Cliff, The Orphanage, The Secret in Their Eyes (not the remake coming out), Incendies, Ip Man, The Lives of Others and Kung Fu Hustle.

New Gallery of X-Men Days of Future Past Photos from Total Film

Total Film gives as a look at eight new pictures from Bryan Singer’s mutant opus X-Men Days of Future Past.  The film, opening May 23rd, will lead directly into 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse (or X7 and X8 if we want to keep track of how big the franchise is getting).  Singer has recently said that Apocalypse will have the “most mass destruction of any film in the franchise’s history”.  Whether he means good old fashioned ‘splosions or body count, tough to say.  No one likes to drop a good hint like Bryan Singer. Continue reading New Gallery of X-Men Days of Future Past Photos from Total Film

New Photos of Bishop, Magneto, Mystique and More from X-Men Days of Future Past

Courtesty of EW and 20th Century FOX and Marvel (I DO NOT OWN THESE IS WHAT I’M SAYING) here are some new looks at X-Men Days of Future Past including the best look at Bishop that I’ve seen so far.  Every time I watch the trailer for this, I get more pumped up.  X-Men Days of Future Past opens May 23, 2014.

X-Men Days of Future Past, Bishop, Omar Sy dofpnew9945 X-mendaysoffuturepast85758-1 original-2 X-mendaysoffuturepast85758-4 original original-3