Tag Archives: Transformers: The Movie

Top 10: Movie Deaths That Pissed You Off

Even if I don’t always agree with their actual choices, I admire the ability of WatchMojo to churn out list topics like fortune cookies.  Character deaths are tricky.  On one hand, a great character death can be a defining moment not just for the story arc of the deceased character but also for every character around them.  On the other, if you botch it, people get maaaaaad.  WatchMojo hits a number of them in their Top 10: Movie Deaths That Pissed People Off.  The list is too heavily weighted toward recent films, and has some duds (is anyone really super incensed over Mortal Komat: Annihilation, Pacific Rim: Uprising, or Godzilla?).  It does also make the long-overdue argument that all Kate Winslet had to do to save us from one of the most annoying deaths of all time in Titanic was haul to Leonardo Dicaprio out of the water and spoon.  No matter what side of the debate you are on, you have to admit that the deaths of Luke Skywalker and Captain Kirk deeply peeved people.  What makes me maddest about character death is when characters die just to fill an unspoken death quota in bigger films.  I love Joss Whedon, but he is the absolute worst at this.  Whedon blood rage is the only explanation for why Quicksilver had to die in Age of Ultron or, even worse, why Wash & Shepherd Book were slaughtered in Serenity.  Which character deaths made you throw things for weeks?William Shatner in Star Trek: Generations

Top 9: Amazing Performances From Actors Who Stopped Caring

What Culture put together a great list that I never would have thought of on my own, but is so true: the best performances by actors who just gave up.  Sometimes you can tell, clearly, that an actor is not at all pleased to be in a film and the performance comes across (Marlon Brando in Superman; Brando appears TWICE in a nine person list).  Sometimes, the actor knows the movie is truly awful and decides to steal it with a legendarily good performance in a legendarily bad film (Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves).  Sometimes a great performance comes across despite an actor being miserable on-set (Chevy Chase in Community or Robert Shaw in Jaws), but whatever the reason, it’s always interesting to get a behind-the-scenes peak into what made a memorable performance so memorable.Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now

5 Fascinating Facts About 1986’s Transformers: The Movie

Optimus Prime

With the release of the latest disappointing Michael Bay Transformers film, children of the 1980s are dusting off their copy of the only movie to ever truly capture the majesty of the Autobots and Decepticons: 1986’s Transformers: The Movie. By now, running back to the pinnacle of the cartoon series that started a billion dollar empire for Hasbro, is becoming a yearly rite of reassurance for Transformer fans. The film holds up amazingly well 31 years after its release, but while you might know every line of the ultimate Prime vs. Megatron showdown and all the lyrics to Stan Bush’s classic stadium anthem “The Touch”, there are some wild things about Transformers: The Movie that you just might not know.

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