22 Jump Street, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill

Movie Review: 22 Jump Street (2014)

It blows my mind that the same two guys who brought us The LEGO Movie are responsible for 21 and now 22 Jump Street.  Phil Lord and Christopher MIller have my attention forever.  If you think that making a sequel to 21 Jump Street is a horrible idea, the movie agrees with you and steamrolls over most of your objections in a way that nearly breaks the fourth wall but just skirts the edge.  Think Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum look WAY too old to be undercover at a college?  SO DO THE STUDENTS!  They make relentlessly hilarious jokes at Tatum and Hill’s expense the entire film.

Tatum and Hill have a fantastic comedic chemistry and here’s the deal: if you liked 21 Jump Street, you’ll like 22 Jump Street.  It makes not a bit of effort to deviate from the formula that made the first movie work.  If anything, it’s sillier and looser in plot because they’re all just clearly having such a blast being around each other.  While there’s nothing that can top Depp’s cameo from the first film, seeing what Jump Streets XXIII – LXVII would have been is nearly as good.  Chris Miller and Phil Lord made me laugh again and are responsible for two of the five best movies of 2014 so far.

6 thoughts on “Movie Review: 22 Jump Street (2014)”

  1. Good review Dave. Laughed plenty during this. Especially since it knew that it was cash-cow sequel, yet, did everything in its will to make sure it wasn’t a lazy one.


    1. I know. It knew it was a shameless cash grab, but it made that funny. I was dying during the montage of Jump Streets at the end or when they show them building 24 Jump Street across the street from their current hq.


  2. Really looking forward to it. I trust your reviews.

    Now… I am sorry if the following piece of info is off-topic (a discussion forum would fix this) but Tim Burton’s mysterious, elusive Hansel and Gretel film from the early 1980’s is FINALLY up on youtube. I’ve literally been waiting decades to see this, and I don’t care what you are working on right now, it can wait. It’s only 35 minutes long. If you haven’t watched it already, watch it! Watch it! Watch it! Watch it!


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