Tag Archives: Con Air

Top 10: Airplane Crashes in Movies

WatchMojo is back with another great film list, this time putting their back into making sure you never feel safe on an airplane ever again.  It’s a safe bet you’ll never be seeing any of these as your in-flight film.  While I’m usually lock-step with WM in most of their list, I think they made some serious missteps.  To be honest, I haven’t even seen their #1 pick (Fearless), but I don’t think it would beat either of my top two, Flight and Cast Away, which-to be fair-ARE their #2 and #3.  However, several of their honorable mentions (The Dark Knight Rises, Superman Returns, and COME ON, United 93) definitely belong on the list proper.  And where’s Sully???  It’s an ENTIRE FILM ABOUT A PLANE CRASH!!!  Well, the get a mulligan on that one, because they actually made this list three years ago, but I have some serious issues.  Also, I know it’s TV, but the plane crash in Lost’s pilot is as good as anything the movies have done.  What about you?  What’s your pick for the greatest plane crash in film history?  Let me know in the comments below!
Tom Hanks in Cast Away