Tag Archives: Most Expensive Deleted Scenes of all time

The Most Expensive Deleted Scenes Ever Filmed

Deleted scenes are sometimes more than just cool features on a Blu Ray; little gems that didn’t quite make the final cut.  Sometimes deleted scenes are deleted swaths of the film that make a huge impact on the film’s tone, budget, and shooting schedule.  Looper (which is a great channel to follow on YouTube for cool videos like this) has put together a piece on the most expensive deleted scenes in Hollywood history from recent films like World War Z and X-Men: Days of Future Past all the way back to The Wizard of Oz.  I’m fairly certain the video was made before the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story‘s massive reshoots last summer.  Though Disney hasn’t released a figure on how much it cost (and don’t expect them to), bringing in writer/director Tony Gilroy to help with the process cost $5 million before they even began reshooting 20-30 scenes, so it’s safe to say it would make this list as well.  However, when you end up with the #7 grossing film in US history, fiscally it all balanced out.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Director Orson Krennic, Ben MendelsohnThe piece also mentions the $10 million original opening sequence to Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns that was cut in which the film originally opened with a silent exploration of the ruins of Krypton by Superman in his ship.  Superman Returns is a polarizing film, but it’s still my favorite Superman film of the bunch, but this was definitely a good cut.  If you have never seen it, it was released back in 2011 in the Superman Anthology Blu Ray set, but thanks to the awesome power of YouTube, I can just plop it below.