Tag Archives: Marc Webb

Movie Review: Gifted (2017) *A Gift Indeed!*

Chris Evans and McKenna Grace in Gifted

I almost exclusively these days review event films, reboots, remakes, spin-offs, and blockbusters, so it is so refreshing to be able to stumble across a film that’s none of those; that’s smart and funny, heartwarming and manly tear-inducing, and has a wonderful cast acting off of a superb script.  Gifted is, on the surface, a simple story, but the beauty of it is in the writing and in the deep characters built by this fantastic ensemble.  And the whole thing is directed by Marc Webb, who now only has to churn out about four more gems like this before I forgive him for The Amazing Spider-Mans. Continue reading Movie Review: Gifted (2017) *A Gift Indeed!*

Trailer Time: Gifted Trailer #1 (2017) “Cap’s Parenting a Genius!”

Chris Evans is so busy with his work in the MCU as Captain America that we’ve probably seen less of him than any of the other key players in other projects since he first picked up the shield.  Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, we’re not guaranteed of seeing Cap again until Avengers: Infinity War next May, so he finally has some time to do some side projects.  Evans, actually, was recently talking about retiring from acting and walking away from it, but seems to have been re-energized of late.

In Gifted, Evans plays a man trying to raise his extraordinarily gifted niece in the way his late sister would have wanted, battling his parents, his past, and those who see her merely as a prodigy and not a little girl.  The film also stars McKenna Grace, Jenny Slate, and Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer.  It’s directed by Marc Webb, who is trying to make a career recovery after the disaster that was The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but he did also direct 500 Days of Summer, so here’s hoping he gets back on his game.  The first trailer looks promising.  Gifted opens in theaters April 7, 2017.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 DVD and Blu-Ray Date And Details

Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield, Electro, Max Dillon, Jamie Foxx

Though I am still trying to cleanse my mental palate of having one of the greatest comic scenes in comic history reduced to a throwaway and while Paul Giamatti’s MOOSE AND SQUIRREL-esque Russian accent still wakes me late at night screaming, I can see by box office numbers that some of you do not share my passionate hatred for Amazing Spider-Man 2.  For you, because I am a tolerant and compassionate man (though I do sort of want to punch Marc Webb), here are the details of what you’ll find on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Blu Ray, due to hit stores on August 19th…..I have to go punch my rage pillow now….. Continue reading Amazing Spider-Man 2 DVD and Blu-Ray Date And Details

Movie Review: Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) *MAJOR SPOILER WARNING*

It’s hard to believe, given the run of quality that’s spoiled comic book fans over the last decade, that someone could make a film that so completely misses the target audience. I honestly thought films of the quality of Elektra and Batman & Robin were behind us. I was wrong. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is not just a misstep; it’s a mind-boggling disaster of a film. In reaching to create a universe around the character, Sony has instead taken the very foundations of what it should have used to build and destroyed them. It is, quite simply, one of the worst comic book adaptations in recent years, and I want to reiterate that there are MAJOR SPOILERS to follow. Continue reading Movie Review: Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) *MAJOR SPOILER WARNING*

My Favorite Scene: The Amazing Spider-Man (2011) – “Bridge Rescue”

I was not a fan of Marc Webb’s reboot of The Amazing Spider-Man when it released three years ago.  To me, we were just going over a lot of old ground, the Lizard wasn’t a very compelling villain, but I thought the cast was much better.  I gave it another chance recently and found myself really, really liking it.  Maybe it’s because I’d put the Raimi trilogy behind me and just looked at it as the first Spider-Man movie I’d seen. Continue reading My Favorite Scene: The Amazing Spider-Man (2011) – “Bridge Rescue”