Tag Archives: James Mangold

My Favorite Scene: Logan (2017) “One Last Berserker Rage”

One of the primary reasons that James Mangold’s Logan works so well as a send-off to Hugh Jackman’s 17 years playing Wolverine is that it does the opposite of nearly every superhero movie convention expected.  The end result earned critical and commercial acclaim and an Oscar nomination for adapted screenplay (a Wolverine movie got an Oscar nomination for screenplay; thought I’d say that again).  More than a superhero film, Logan has more in common with the Western where an old gunslinger goes out on a final quest (more Unforgiven than X-Men).

In fact, my favorite cut of the film is Logan Noir: the black & white version of the film included as bonus feature on the Blu Ray.  Denuded of a lot of the effect of the blood, the film feels more in tune with an old warrior’s final journey.  But Mangold does give the fans, at the end of the film, one final berserker charge from Wolverine as he races to save his daughter and the last mutant children from the Reavers.  Even that scene though, if you put him on a horse and swapped his claws for six-shooters, would be straight out of a Western.  Kudos to Jackman for 17 years as the world’s favorite mutant, and to James Mangold for figuring out a way to give us a Wolverine that was off his leash, yet more true to the character’s roots than in any other film he’s been in.
Hugh Jackman in Logan



Trailer Time: Logan Trailer #1 (2017) *Jackman Pops the Claws One Last Time*

Logan, the third Wolverine solo film, will be the ninth and final appearance by Hugh Jackman as the most popular X-Man.  No one, not even Chris Reeve as Superman or Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark has completely and totally owned a superhero like Jackman has from the very first seconds we saw him cage fighting in X-Men.  Seventeen years later, his journey with the character will end, we’ll see the heir to Logan’s mantle, and also bid goodbye to Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier.  This doesn’t feel like a super hero movie (and I mean that in the best way), it feels like an old gunslinger’s last hurrah, and set to Johnny Cash’s cover of “Hurt” (one of my three favorite songs), I got a little misty.  No one will ever fill Hugh’s shoes, even though one day they’ll cast another person as Logan, he has a choke hold on this role forever. Continue reading Trailer Time: Logan Trailer #1 (2017) *Jackman Pops the Claws One Last Time*

Top 5: Music Movies

Top 5Music makes or breaks a film.  We’ve talked about movie scores before and how vital they are to the success of a film.  Today, let’s turn it around and look at what happens when movies look at music.  How big a part of your daily life is music?  This whole list came about as a side effect of a seven hour drive I had to make yesterday, the entirety of it spent yodeling to a vast library of songs (to be fair to me, it was not as bad as yodeling….it was getting very raspy though in the last two hours). Continue reading Top 5: Music Movies

James Mangold Talks The Wolverine Sequel


With the news that an Apocalypse film is following X-Men Days of Future Past, you have to wonder how many more Wolverine films Hugh Jackman has in him.  Maybe he’s not a part of Apocalypse, but that’s hard to imagine if it follows Days of Future Past so closely.  I was one who really enjoyed The Wolverine and if they hadn’t have awkwardly jammed Viper into the mix, I think it would have been fantastic.  I’m glad Mangold and Jackman are reteaming.  The following is an excerpt from a ComingSoon talk with Mangold about his plans for the sequel.

20th Century Fox is looking to get another Wolverine movie made, and director James Mangold is in the process of developing it. In an interview withThe Wall Street Journal the director talked about the first film, as well as the sequel. He talks about the themes and ideas that the sequel explores, and he addresses the iconic costume. Here’s what he had to say about the first movie,

“With the movie I just finished, I think that I very much focused, when I went to Fox and presented, I told them I was interested in making a movie about someone who feels like anyone they love will die, not only that they are cursed but that anyone they become attached to becomes cursed. That film was about Logan’s jaundiced view of society.”

Continue reading James Mangold Talks The Wolverine Sequel

Hugh Jackman Will Make Another Wolverine Film With James Mangold

wpid-hr_The_Wolverine_7.jpgThere’s not much to go on other than this: X-Men Days of Future Past will, thankfully, not mark the last time we see Jackman as Logan.  FOX is negotiating right now, but the plan is for both Jackman and Mangold to reunite for another Wolverine film after next summer’s X-Men extravaganza.  If you’ve seen the epicness of the epicality of the epic trailer for X-Men DOFP, then you’ll know that there is NO telling what the state of the mutant cinematic universe will be.  I, for one, really liked The Wolverine.  I respected it’s decision to try to do something completely different with the character, yet completely true to his nature and I think Jackman gave his best performance as the character in the film.  It IS flawed and it did give in to the temptation to go by the old spandex tropes, but they were so close!  I’m excited about this.  I want to see them nail it this time (Jackman’s 8th Wolverine film; Connery/Bond are really the only comparison).  Even if they got going next year, I wouldn’t expect to see another solo outing for Logan before late 2016.